Focusing attention on our Old Stone Chimney

About seven years ago, I went on a leisurely bike ride throughout Downtown Niagara Falls… I’ve been on bike rides since, believe it or not, but I’m just talkin’ about that particular day!  So, I pedaled up and down the East Falls Street area, up and down Niagara Street, throughout the neighborhoods that branch off the main thoroughfares and around the old Shredded Wheat property without any real goal in mind other than to gawk at the old buildings and to see firsthand what the neighborhood looked liked these days.  This story has nothing to do with any of my observations from that trek, except for the one odd structure that happened to catch my eye off in the distance in the back of an abandoned  parking lot.  Barely visible through the summer’s greenery and high weeds, perched into the highway embankment stood a giant fireplace and chimney… !?!?!

At the time, I knew nothing about it.  I figured it was a leftover furnace chimney from one of the factories that someone must’a torn down years ago because right next to it, less than a hundred yards away, is a boarded up factory/warehouse-looking building and the entire area looked unsafe, unwelcoming and just plain scary.  The long forgotten cannon that greets you at the entrance was the only indicator that this was once apparently a park, but now obviously just an overgrown lot with rusted out seesaws and a dented deathtrap slide – the only items that would indicate that this area once had “life.”  As I got closer, I could see this chimney was no ordinary furnace leftover, there was an aged plaque on it, and the plaque offered a quick history lesson for anyone who happened to stumble upon it:

Click image to read!

Well Dear Readers, since my bike ride that fateful day, I’ve learned a lot.  Not only about this historic treasure that stands alone in the remnants of Porter Park (those that remember it from before Robert Moses put his ugly mark on the scene say this park was a beautiful place of retreat within the city and one of the finest parks of it’s day), but I’ve learned a lot (a ton!) about the history of our city in general… but that is a story and a commentary for another time.  My whole point for this brief (well, I meant it to be brief before I started babbling) posting is to let those WHO DON’T KNOW about it now have a chance to educate themselves like I did.

Read a couple of these links:

We have a historic relic, a TREASURE in our city that unless we as residents and community members do something about it in terms of preservation, soon it will be nothing but a pile of rocks and another forgotten piece of our history… and when this happens, we sure as hell can’t blame E. Dent Lackey for it this time. 

Once it is relocated and preserved, we then can celebrate its meaning as it should be celebrated.  It isn’t just a chimney, it is a symbol of our history.  It needs to be preserved.  It needs to be relocated.  Plain and simple.  Did you know it existed?  Do you know it sticks out of the side of the Robert Moses Parkway next to one of the shuttered Moore Business Forms factories?

How does a struggling community with an extreme lack of funding accomplish something like this?!  Can we all band together ala Back to the Future and Save the Clocktower (in this case “Save the Old Stone Chimney” Great Scott, Marty!) !?!?!  Where can we move it?  How can we move it?  Our Mayor and City Planner have a good plan, but that good plan takes a whole ton of dollars to carry out.  Any other ideas?!  Share them.  Discuss them.  Let’s bring some attention to this matter before it is too late.

Do you want to get involved and make a difference?  THEN GET INVOLVED AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE.  Republicans, Democrats, Blacks, Whites, Purples, Plaids, I don’t care who you are and you shouldn’t care either – we are a community!  Can we come together to tackle this small (seriously, in the grand scheme of things, this should be an easy one!) task at hand?  Since it has nothing to do with politics or religion, I think it might be quite possible.   How embarrassed will we be if in twenty years from now all we have are photos along with some old timers saying, “Oh yeah, I remember that… in fact, here is one of the stones, we use it as a door stopper! ”  Sound familiar Niagara Falls?!  (I have a brick from the old Cayuga Drive School that I use as a bookend in my office).

Please share your comments and feedback below.  This post will be just the first of a series of posts from Yours Truly regarding the Old Stone Chimney.  Stay tuned for more on the history of the chimney, Porter Park, the cannon, and hopefully some insight from City Hall as to what the possibilities are, what has been done so far, etc.

Where the chimney hides - view from entrance to "Porter Park"

Click on the image for larger view


  1. magreen91 says:

    The chimney stands as very prominent & sole reminder of the very unique history in which Niagara Falls was born from. It deserves to be the keystone to some larger cultural exhibition that showcases the truly inspiring and magnificently interesting history behind our great city.

  2. I wrote a novel a few years ago, dedicated to historic preservation in Niagara Falls (Stone House Diaries). I championed a non-existent old stone house, but what really inspired the story was the Old Stone Chimney. I was pleased to see this posting about the chimney, and how emblematic it is for the falls. I always wished a local history museum could be established, as there is so much history in the falls. Someday maybe we’ll reach critical mass and something will get done.

  3. Bill Bradberry says:


  4. I agree that The Chimney should be saved as it is a valuable relic from our past. As someone who has gotten actively involved in promoting historic Oakwood Cemetery, I know how important relics from our past are. Speaking of relics, Mayor E. Dent Lackey is buried at Oakwood along with numerous other mayors of our fine city. There are 20,000 stories in Oakwood, and we have barely scratched the surface in telling them. To the naysayers, I say get off your complaining butts and do something constructive. It’s certainly MUCH easier to complain than to actually do something. I believe that Niagara Falls has bottomed out, and is poised for a comeback. As the saying goes, “nowhere to go but up” from here. Let’s celebrate what we have left and build on it. I agree with what one person said and see if Porter (also buried at Oakwood) Park could be a gateway to the city and Moore building a visitor center. By the way, they do know what they are talking about regarding the statement that many important people stayed at the houses and forts that were attached to that chimney. There is a ton of early history that relates to that structure and it should be saved. With the technology that we have today, maybe it wouldn’t have to be dismantled. I’m not an engineer, but maybe one can comment on that possibility. By the way, if anyone is interested in a tour of Oakwood, you can email me at I would be glad to show you around our historic site established in 1852!
    Chirs, thanks for your efforts in promoting our great city and it’s storied past which I believe is the key to our future. Cultural and Historical tourism is HUGE and by the way, we also have The Falls.

  5. In my opinion the chimney should be moved back to its original location. Tear out the useless park way. Then rebuild Fort Little Niagara and give us back our heritage. The plans still exist and it would be a tourist draw for the area. So much of our history has been destroyed, it’s time to save what little we have left.

  6. Andrea Galyn says:

    That sucking sound is my brain going down the toilet after reading “anonymous” comments. About the chimney, why are we moving it in the first place? Also, since it was already moved once- it’s stones aren’t even in the original position and we have no way of knowing how to put them back.

  7. Leave it where it is. The offending RMP berms, elevated ramps & bridges are likely to be removed w/ state & possibly federal moneys. Porter Park has potential to be a gateway location to the City. The former Moore Business Forms Administration Building would make a great Visitor Center. Stop gushing about how every building in NF is historic and should be preserved. Stop gushing about Presidents & Native American Chiefs sitting before the fireplace. Neither of you know what you’re talking about.

  8. Kyle W. Mellenthine says:

    Sounds like a plan. Oh, wait. You are in Niagara Falls, if someone does not get there cut or credit to do this another 100 years will go by and another “historian” will stumlbe upon it and write a similar atricle. Unless this is treated like the artifact it is, i can guarantee the bulldozer you have depicted will have done its job. Bring in a credible expert, have them write up a proposal that does not include a politician. Then maybe, we will all have a piece of Niagara Falls history that we can share with the future.

  9. Jim Hufnagel says:

    Really, a little editorial control goes a long way

  10. Anonymous says:

    @ Paul…one can’t help having a sour lemon face. I can hear the gunshots regularly from 9th street, streets are poorly lit at night making it to dangerous to go out. Creepy people approaching you for money or even “shorts” (that’s a new word I learned).
    Just got new tires and a front end alignment. The belts all shifted on the tires from our lovely roads. If I venture to Tops, or any store downtown, I dress like a homeless person to avoid the constant requests for money. I came back here 10 years ago ( I should have my head examined!!) In that time I’ve been attacked by a pit-bull, witnessed a person being stabbed to death while on the phone to police trying to get them help, seen people get attacked and beat up. Used to take the bus to save some gas money, but it was daily harassment at the bus station for money etc. I was born and raised here.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I would love to see the statue that is located at pine and portage cleaned. I have always wondered what it looked like when it was new.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I’ve known about and also photographed that chimney and the carriage house. I would hate to not see them anymore. We’re the only city that I’ve seen that tears everything down and then puts up a sign or marker saying what “was once” there. I think the only way to turn this city around would, unfortunately, involve anarchy. A major revolt from the citizens of this city….starting with the park that we have and the money it reaps, next the power authority and the money that it reaps, and finally, the casino money. The city of Niagara Falls, New York is a drug-infested, dirty, filthy, poverty ridden shit hole. Don’t drink the water!!! Truly, I am embarrassed to say I live here. Sorry, didn’t mean to go off on a tangent. On a more positive note…the cemeteries on Portage are full of our history. Definitely worth a walk through!

  13. Awesome i never knew any of this. thankyou for the story,i love the niagara hub!

  14. Jim Hufnagel says:

    Apparently it would cost a great deal of money to deconstruct it and move it to a safer place where more people would be able to enjoy, however, that shouldn’t prevent some protective measures from being taken like building a shelter around it or at least covering it with a tarp. You know, like what State Parks should be doing with the roof of the old Carriage House of DeVeaux.

  15. You’re so right, Chris! This chimney represents a lot to me and to Niagara Falls. It means there is something incredible that we still have. This is our chance to bring Niagara Falls back. Weve lost too much. Before this chimney sat presidents and prime ministers, Indian chiefs and medicine men, famous writers and artists. It was said that the Stedmans hung their coat of arms on it–one that had survived the crusades. I say let’s move it to Oakwood where it will be preserved forever and where some of the people who lived by this fire can feel its warmth once again.

  16. THANK YOU for putting a spotlight on this treasure. I don’t remember how or when it was first brought to my attention, but I’ve frequently visited this lonely spot over the years. It breaks my heart. And it’s not just this treasure but so many others that need to be in or part of a comprehensive local history museum. It used to be part of my job to tour attractions in sometimes obscure parts of this country. I was stunned to find artifacts & history about the fur trade in NEBRASKA that originated along the Portage of Niagara!! I would love to be involved in any committees devoted to preservation &/or display of local historical treasures.

  17. paul mezhir says:

    Every structure in Niagara Falls is worthy of preservation……it will only be a matter of time before this corner of Western New York will be recognized for what it is…..a truly special place that has suffered from many years of bad decisions.

    The biggest challenge that our city currently faces, in my opinion, is the horrible stigma that Niagara Falls is a “welfare” city where only the poor and desperate live (or those who are required to live in the city due to it’s not unfair residency rules.) If I had a dollar for each time someone gave me the “sour lemon face” when I tell them where I live, I’d be able to buy half the city. Spreading the word about the GOOD THINGS that Niagara Falls offers is the key to changing the fortune of the city.

    Thank you, Chris, and NiagaraHub, for spreading the word of Niagara Falls by creating forum that will only serve to better our great city.

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